Tackle Your Monkeys First
Don’t use up all your resources on the easy stuff. Go #MONKEYFIRST
Steve Jobs and the Referral Letter
How long since you have reviewed the templates your practice uses for referral letters. Can you improve the typography to improve the clarity of communication and to strengthen your practice brand?
BLUF and the referral letter
‘Bottom Line Up Front’ – put your key question up front in your communications.
Cultivate a Learning Mindset Part 2
Wherever you choose to start, the rewards that come from engaging in lifelong learning accumulate quickly and broadly.
Managing Risk in Your Business
Managing Risk in Your Practice From the moment new staff join your organisation, ensure risk is on the agenda, encouraging all staff to take responsibility for recognising, preventing, minimising, monitoring and disclosing risks. Such risks can include near misses,…
Creating Accountability and Engagement
Creating accountability and engagement in your patients All general practice consultations are an opportunity for you to cultivate patient awareness about health so that they are more open to the possibility of change. Following a process of building awareness and…
Cultivate a Learning Mindset Part 1
Curiosity is good for you.
Lifelong learning which has been the focus of various studies for many years.
There are many benefits to our overall health and well-being we can gain by adopting a curious perspective and desiring to learn more.
Lessons from the Flood Part 1- Is Your Practice Antifragile?
The recent floods in the Northern Rivers were a ‘black swan’ event that affected many medical practices.
An ‘antifragile’ organisation is resilient – it has the ability to withstand and recover from shocks, stresses, and disturbances.
How can we make our practices more ‘anti-fragile’?
Getting back to core business
Kudos to you for all that you have achieved over the past two years of pandemic life! There have been incredible adaptions like we have never seen before in general practice.
Where do we focus now?
How can we harness enthusiasm again for our chronic disease management, cancer screening and preventative activities – the core business of general practices?
Worth the paper it’s written on
What practice policy do you currently have on handling ‘paper’ that leaves the surgery? Want is your policy on the standard of writing and communication that you use? Do you even have a written policy? General practices generate large amounts of paper –…
How to End the Day
We have the power, in our own minds and mindsets, to draw a line under what has been and to look forward to a different future.
How to Start the Day
How to Start the Dayby Simon Matthews | Mar 23, 2021 | 0 commentsSometimes a day feels like it’s never going to end. Sometimes a week feels like it’s never going to end. And sometimes… like this past year… It feels like nothing is ever going to…
A Day in the Life of a Practice Coach – December 2021
This paper is a mysterious artefact, coming back through a time portal from the future.
It is a page from the diary of an anonymous Practice Coach that was written in December 2021.
Telehealth Tips for Patients
More Resources
Our mission is to provide accessible practice leadership education and better support the support teams. We are also focused on consumer education Never have people needed support more than they do now. Here are some of the free education tools and services we’ve…
Simple Steps to Fight Coronavirus
Download as pdf
Coronavirus – Get the facts, stay calm
Alstonville GP Dr Tony Lembke answers the most common questions about COVID-19 (coronavirus).
What is coronavirus? How serious is it? How is coronavirus spread? Should I be wearing a mask when I’m in public? What do I do if I think I have coronavirus? Should I be hoarding toilet paper and food?
A Wow Patient Experience
People rarely go to the doctor or hospital looking for a delightful experience. But there are creative steps we in health care can take to insert convenience or surprise into their encounters that make patients and families think, “Wow, that was great.” Or even, “This was a tough experience, but I know my doctor or health care entity is trying a little bit harder for me.”